New Extension

Create a New Extension

To run the interactive initialization wizard, use the following command:

pnpm create plasmo
# OR
yarn create plasmo
# OR
npm create plasmo

To skip the naming prompt, supply a name as a positional argument:

pnpm create plasmo "My Awesome Extension"
# OR
yarn create plasmo "My Awesome Extension"
# OR
npm create plasmo "My Awesome Extension"

NOTE: you can install the plasmo CLI as a global command with pnpm i -g plasmo (switch pnpm with your favorite package manager).

With src directory

By default, Plasmo expects all source code to be in the root directory. However, you can follow this guide to use the src directory as the home for your source code.

With specific entry files

The default project contains just a popup entry file. However, you can customize this behavior by using the entry flag with a comma-separated list of entry files to include in your initial project.

To use this flag, pick the entry files you would like to see in your project, omit its file extension, and supply it to the --entry flag:

There are many entry files to choose from. Check out this directory (opens in a new tab) to see all the different entry files available to you.

pnpm create plasmo --entry=options,newtab,contents/inline
# OR
npm create plasmo -- --entry=options,newtab,contents/inline

The command above will create a project with the options page, a newtab page, and an inline content script UI.


NOTE: npm does not pass arguments down to its child command. Thus, you must supply a -- to escape npm before specifying plasmo's parameters and flags.

With an example template

Even more powerful, Plasmo can create a new project based on one of our examples (opens in a new tab). Pick an example, and use its name as a flag when running the create plasmo command:

pnpm create plasmo --with-env
# OR
npm create plasmo -- --with-env

The above will generate a project using the with-env (opens in a new tab) example.