GitHub Integration

Itero GitHub Integration

Itero integrates with GitHub to watch for changes in your extension repository and automatically builds and pushes your extension to Itero TestBed.


  • You have uploaded an extension to Itero manually with a zip file
  • You must have an Itero account
  • You must have a GitHub account

Install the GitHub App

  1. Visit the settings page of an extension in your Itero dashboard and click "Manage GitHub App."
  2. Press "Install GitHub App"
  3. Select the GitHub account that you want to use for the integration (ensure this account has access to the underlying extension repository)
  4. Press "Install"

Link GitHub Repository

  1. Visit the settings page of an extension in your Itero dashboard
  2. Enter the repository name in the form <owner/repo>
  3. Press "Link"

If the linked GitHub account has access to the repository, the repository will be linked. If the linked GitHub account does not have access to the repository, the process will error.

Once your repository is linked, an input field will appear that allows you to specify a custom branch to track. Specify the branch name and press "Track branch" if you would like to track a branch other than main.

Transitioning from Personal to Team

The Itero GitHub integration is a 1-to-1 binding between an Itero "entity" and a GitHub "entity."

An entity can be a user or an organization.

If you are switching from the starter tier to a team tier, and you would like to integrate with the new Itero team, you must remove the current GitHub integration from your personal Itero account. To do so:

  1. Open the settings page of an extension in your personal Itero dashboard
  2. Click "Manage GitHub App"
  3. Press "Uninstall Plasmo Itero"

Then, open the settings page of an extension in your team Itero dashboard and follow the steps outlined in the Install the GitHub App section.